Site Plan, Images & Timeline
Will this development be built in phases?
Yes. Click on the exhibit to the left as a reference.
Trail System
Are you going to create a trail system along the perimeter of the proposed development?
The General Plan illustrates a regional trail alignment along the east boundary of Quailwood Meadows. A reservation of space for this amenity is made within the perimeter buffer provided with the proposed PV 540 plan. The trail will be installed when required by the Town and will include an easement for public use and access.
Perimeter Buffers
What is the plan for the housing setbacks along the perimeter of the existing Quailwood Meadows and Outback subdivision?
The proposed plan requires a minimum 50’ perimeter buffer along Quailwood Meadows and the Outback subdivision between the fence lines. Phase 1 site planning includes a conceptual depiction of the perimeter buffer. The design provides for variation in the buffer depth purposely avoiding a straight wall parallel to the existing walls along the boundary of Quailwood Meadows. This is done by varying the orientation of the proposed homes. In some cases the depth of the perimeter buffer is greater than 100’. Together, the perimeter buffer and articulation, will preserve privacy to a number of neighboring homes by angling homes and backyards angled toward the existing homes.
Who will maintain the perimeter buffer?
As envisioned in the Phase 1 Conceptual Site Plan, the perimeter buffer will be maintained by the PV 540 HOA.
What will perimeter buffer look like?
The perimeter buffer will be graded to help manage stormwater flows. In some areas water and/or sewer utilities may be installed. The buffer area will be landscaped with an initial goal to recreate a native character or an enhanced native character setting.
Will PV 540 have a community center of their own or will they use the Quailwood Meadows community center?
PV 540 includes a proposed community center centrally located within the community. A conceptual site plan and illustration are shown below.